Things I have learnt this week
7th April 2007
Things I have learnt this week.
- Backups are good.
- If for instance your colo box breaks.
- Tested backups are better.
- Best to test them before your box breaks.
- Automated backups are better still.
- Humans forget to do things. Machines rarely do. So your backup may not be as recent as yo u think.
- How to backup svn
svnadmin dump $repo | bzip2 > svndump.bz2
- Checking which disk you are replacing in a degraded mirrored pair is a good thing
- Your filesystem dieing or going back in time is not fun. See previous points
Having learnt these things I have made my backup regime better and have made sure its croned and does backup the stuff I need. I s hould also start putting more stuff in my svn repo.
This clusterfuck did annoyingly lead to losing about a weeks worth of data on the Randomness Guide to London which was particularly galling since one of the reason for doing it was I trusted myself more with the data. bah